From Mars to Sirius description
Gojira possess distinct modern elements and can be compared to a host of peers. I hear Fear Factory during the latter half of Ocean Planet and Strapping Young Lad in The Heaviest Matter Of The Universe. Mastodon are included, too, as well as a production reminiscent of Meshuggah. Out of twelve songs, most contain sections that are verifiable earthquakes. Unlike earthquakes, however, the onslaughts are predictable but no amount of preparation will ready you for the upheaval. Besides the gentler Unicorn and From Mars, every other opus fully encapsulates what Gojira are about and what kind of damage they are capable of inflicting. Whatever the case, From Mars To Sirius is exemplary in a number of ways. Adorers of any of the bands mentioned in this review are encouraged to take a stab at this, because Gojira are simply too powerful and competent to ignore. Though much of the record's appeal leaves me searching for descriptive words and phrases, rest assured that the impact and subsequent devastation are both unavoidable and irreparable. You might see it coming, but it'll still knock you on your ass. It's one of the better things I've heard this year. -
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